Jagannatha hora how to calculate dasas
Jagannatha hora how to calculate dasas

I recall I was especially happy because for the first time I could read an explanation of how the shodasavargas were to be used. It was not well printed but the content mattered more to me than the form it was in. The book was a translation of some important chapters (not a complete translation) by N.N. When the clerk returned with the book I was enthralled and spent a long time looking through it and taking notes. I came across it by accident when I spotted it in the card catalogs. It was not until my third year of intense study did I stumble upon BPHS in a university library in Kolkata in 1980. Whereas today BPHS would be one of the first books a new student would be recommended to purchase I had barely heard of it what to speak of seen it. BPHS as one can see from my narrative so far was hardly mentioned or popular. Raman he was honored by calling him the modern Varaha Mihira. Indeed Brhat Jataka and its author Varaha Mihira were so famous and adored by the Jyotish Pandits that when it came to eulogize Dr. Sastri also did a translation of Brhat Jataka. Iyer which was later pirated and repackaged as authoured by Usha and Shashi. A less valuable translation (in my opinion) was that of N. Suryanarayana Rao, another excellent translation was by Swami Vijnananda. I have already mentioned the translations of V. Brhat Jataka was considered to be the jewel among astrological literatures and indeed in my early days of study there were many translations and commentaries on Varaha Mihira's Brhat Jataka. In The Astrological Magazine we read that in South India, especially Kerala, one was not considered a scholar of jyotish unless he had memorized both Brhat Jataka and Prasna Marga not BPHS. I remember from my early days of study that the " big five" main classical texts that the scholars in The Astrological Magazine eulogized and encouraged one to read and study were: This is not a complete list of translators and titles. Suryanarayana Rao translated and commented on several important classics including Brhat Jataka, Jaimini Sutras and Sarvartha Cintamani. Raman though a prolific author did not translate many books but the ones he did were important in particular Prasna Marga. (Most of which have been pirated and republished after his demise by others claiming to be the authors.) B.V. Subrahmanya Sastri to whom we owe translations of: The main authors to have translated texts were V. When I first started studying jyotish in India in 1977-1983 there were very few classic texts easily available in English. But what is the real status of BPHS and the implications to Vedic astrology? And, hence BPHS is often quoted as pramana - authoritative evidence - in Vedic astrological discourse. Hence, the views set forth in the BPHS are seen by many as sacrosanct, infallible and on par with sacred scriptures like the Vedas or Srimad Bhagavatam. The idea that one gets, especially for followers of Lord Krsna's Vedic culture, is that the modern edition of BPHS is a very ancient text dating back to the beginning of Kali-yuga (3102 B.C.). This reputation was further cemented when Sagar published their superior edition of the same work with translation and commentary by Sriman Girish Chand Sharma ( Parasara, 1994). Ranjan, the publishers, described it as: “The Gospel Book of Hindu Astrology with Master Key to Divination” (I didn't coin the term “Vedic Astrology” my guru maharaja did, but I did popularize it in 1988). Santanam, Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra (henceforth BPHS) has been successfully marketed to Vedic astrologers in India and abroad as the preeminent text on Vedic astrology.


Get the PDF version of this article in German.Įver since 1984 with the publication of the first volume of Brhat Parasara Hora Sastra (Parasara, 1984) with translation and commentary by R. This article first appeared in the July and August, 2009, issues of The Astrological eMagazine, Bangalore.

Jagannatha hora how to calculate dasas